Sunday, September 23, 2007

An Amazing Woman

The one resolution, which was in my mind long before it took the form of a resolution, is the key-note of my life. It is this, always to regard as mere impertinences of fate the handicaps which were placed upon my life almost at the beginning. I resolved that they should not crush or dwarf my soul, but rather be made to blossom, like Aaron's rod, with flowers.- Helen Keller

I don't need to add anything. This woman was absolutely incredible, and what a statement!

EDIT - Monday evening, Sept. 24. I actually did add a thought to this in my comment section with my response to Carol and Karen. Check it out to give me your thoughts on applying this quote to your spiritual life.


  1. Great quote! I believe Helen Keller's attitude made all the difference in the world. She chose to be a victor instead of a victim. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What an amazing woman she was in spite of her limitations. I've heard it said when I was a teen that the difficulties in life are meant to make us better not bitter. Thanks for sharing that quote, and God help me to have that kind of attitude when bad situations come my way.

  3. Hi, Carol and Karen - I particularly liked the line where she said, "...they should not crush or dwarf my soul..." This actually made me think of how many people dwarf their soul by not following the will of God. When people are willing to serve God wholeheartedly, I am convinced their soul will blossom. I've always been intrigued with the stories I have heard of Helen Keller, and this quote really caught my attention.

  4. That is a wonderful quote. Her limitations might have helped her become who she was, but she didn't let her limitations define her! Her passion and drive inspires me! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I just commented and I don't know it went... but I'll try again! :)

    This is a great quote! Helen Keller was an amazing woman. Her limitations may have helped her to become who she was, but she didn't let her limitations define her!! Thanks for this post.

  6. Rochelle - welcome to my blog and thank you for dropping by. Likewise, I have always been intrigued by the life of Helen Keller. Please visit again.

  7. Enjoyed the quote. Helen Keller's life story is amazing. Yes, we could all learn a great deal from her life.
