Thursday, December 13, 2007

Still The No Name Quartet

Working hard on their vocals, they are still the no name quartet. Your feedback is appreciated and don't hesitate to give more if something sparks in your brain. A couple of songs have had some rough moments working out different parts but, considering all things, it is going well. I am very convinced it will be a first class project. Another WAY Choir member, Weston Cantrell, is with us in studio and having a great time working with the engineers. I have also a new blog link to my favorites. It is Marty Funderburk, the boys vocal producer.


  1. OH... not good with names... not good ones anyways! Sorry! But looking forward to hearing them sing!

  2. looks like you all are having fun :)

  3. Rochelle - thanks for dropping by. Hopefully, the CD will be released by the end of February or first part of March. We are anxious to hear it.

    anonymous - thanks for dropping by. Actually, the days were very long and tiring but it was fun knowing that the hard work will have a great end result.

  4. Well, here's my offerings for a name. As you can see, my mind works slow (it took me days!). Calvary's WAY, One WAY, Right WAY, or Love's WAY. Just my thoughts. However, if they decide to use WAY as part of their recording name, it should be in CAPS as it will defines their origin. Will continue to pray that the boys find a wonderful name befitting their wonderful harmonized voices.
