Saturday, July 7, 2007

WAY Choir Goober

There is always a goober in the group. (J/K, Tyler. You know I love you.) During any moment of boredom, you could find Tyler sticking his top lip above his teeth or Bryce squishing Bryn's face in to some sort of "gooberness." Hey, you like my new word? LOL Gooberness! There is always a load of it on a trip such as WAY Choir tour.


  1. I love the funny face! No matter what you do, she is still BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Debbie - wish you could have been there.

  3. Thank God for Goobers! My kids keep me in stitches constantly with silly faces, impersonations and play on words. The Bible does say that a merry heart does good like a medicine!

  4. Carol - every group has a goober and what a bore it would be without them.

  5. I love "goobers". What would we do without them? LOL
