This past Friday, I was a guest speaker/singer in El Cajon, California at New Life pastored by Marc Stevenson. This was a sectional ladies event directed by Brenda Ghiloni, section one ladies director. Women came from all over the San Diego area to join in fellowship and worship. After singing several songs, I spoke about "What Remains." I will give you a brief summary. A couple years ago I read an article about Mt. Rushmore. The first thought in 1924 was through inspiration given by Duane Robinson. He spoke his dream to many and had many scoffers. In 1927, he had finally gained enough support and sculptor Gutzon Berglum was hired. Before the project was completed Berglum passed away, but his son caught his father's vision to see it finished. In 1941, it was unveiled and has become a national monument. I then shared the story of David wanting to build a house for the Lord and could not, yet he accumulated everything needed to build the house so his son Solomon could build it when it was time. My thought was to encourage everyone to dream big and make it reality. Don't be concerned with who gets the glory, just go ahead and begin to build. Although David had the original thought to build the temple, it is known as Solomon's temple. I have even wondered why the great monument was named Mt. Rushmore. Why wasn't it named Mt. Robinson after the man who envisioned it, or even Mt. Berglum after the sculptor? These men just wanted to see their vision complete and did not concern themselves with who gets the praise. Don't just live for the moment, but consider the future and what remains.
On Saturday, we visited a mission to gain some materials for Blake. He is working on a mission project. I snapped a couple pics of Bryn (the boys had stayed home) at the mission and next to the old door of the sanctuary. She is growing like a weed. That dress was nearly at her feet about a month ago. I really like these pictures. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)