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Prayer Request

It was about four years ago when I thought I must have some "gunk" on my left eye because it seemed foggy but there wasn't anything on/in my eye. This fogginess was intermittent and the optometrist and then the opthamalogist could not "see" anything. I knew something was wrong but felt frustrated the eye doctors could not figure it out. What was just a couple times a week became more frequent and now my left eye is foggy about 85% of the time. I cannot read or see clearly with my left eye. I am quite nearsighted and my right eye has changed from -800 to -900 because it has been compensating for my left eye. The last week of September I saw my optometrist and, again, she could not figure out the problem. She referred me to the opthamologist and on Wednesday he took pictures of my retina, optic nerve, etc. He found nothing but thought my retina may be wrinkled, swollen or have a mucous membrane laying on it and he referred me to a retina specialist. While my eyes were still dilated, my husband drove me to the retina specialist where they took more pictures of my retina, took pressure readings with a hammer like probe, and finally saw the doctor. He further examined my eyes with his bright lights and magnifiers causing tears to stream. Then, he said, "I see what you are talking about." WOW! After five hours at the doctor's office, we had a diagnosis. The doctor wanted to dilate my eyes further and look into my eye with more bright lights. He finally told us there was an opacity in the vitreous gel between my eye and the retina. This opacity was causing the fogginess in my central left eye vision. Many people experience "floaters" which are small bits of protein in the vitreous gel. People who are very nearsighted or sometimes age, causes the vitreous gel to form clumps. These clumps block vision and can eventually cause the retina to detach. The surgery is very risky and the doctor wants to run further tests before he determines my only option is surgery. Now let me build your faith - - - about 20 years ago, I had first stages of glaucoma and had lost a small amount of peripheral eyesight. At one of the camp meetings in Santa Maria, California, I went into a prayer line and received a miracle. God restored the lost vision and my eye pressures returned to normal. I KNOW God can heal and I am asking you to join me in prayer for another miracle. There is no cure or medicine that can help opacity of the vitreous gel but I know a God who can clear my vision. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
I'll be praying for you! Love you!
ReplyDeleteJana, I will be praying for you. You may recall a couple of months ago me requesting prayer for 15 year oldZack. He had what you are describing and then went totally blind when the retina detached. He had surgery and though the recovery was yuk (had to keep head down for a couple of wks) he is doing great. Two wks after first surgery the other eye began. Before detachment he had that eye laser repaired. He is doing great and now sees out of both eyes. Of course the family was given many negative possibilities. But with God he has done great. God is no respector of persons. If God chooses to not perform the miracle. I KNOW God will guide the surgeon.
ReplyDeleteBe encouraged today!!!! You will be in my prayers.
Will be praying for your healing. Our God is the Great Physician. Love you.
ReplyDeleteJana, about 11 years ago I was told that my retina had came loose and that it would continue to get worse...the church where I was interim pastor begin to pray along with us and when I went back a couple of weeks later for a follow-up they were blown away. They held the two pictures side-by-side and couldn't believe they were looking at the same eye. I have had no problem with it since then.
ReplyDeleteI will be praying with you...
Marise - thank you. I love you, too.
ReplyDeleteTracie - Thanks for the encouraging testimony. We do know what prayer can do!
Karen - your prayers are appreciated.
Mark - You know I believe in miracles. I have to admit, the past four years have been frustrating while I have struggled to see. If I had a patch over my right eye, I would not be able to function. Thanks for your prayers.
Sis A, I am praying for you, wow, GOD can heal, I know you know, I love you, miss you, see you in a couple of weeks, HUGS to all,
ReplyDeleteWe will be in prayer for you. I know that not being able to see clearly is very stressful. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Josh, Candace & Chloe
Jana, You are definitely in my prayers. We do know the great physician and NOTHING is impossible with Him.
ReplyDeleteIf he can heal my broken arm like He did last year, He can heal your eyes. A broken bone mender or eye problem with God. Love you!
Jana, You will be in my prayers. Love, Helen
ReplyDeleteWe, Virginia and I, will bring your name before the throne of our God.
ReplyDeleteBest to all your family, mom now you. But or however such is life.
Jana, I'm definitely praying and believing with you that you will not have to have surgery on your eye. Our God is able to perform another miracle for you.
Jana, like Karen said, "Our God is a great physician." I am praying for you. While we are unable to see the outcome, I am only too thankful that we serve a God who knows the beginning from the end. When I am up against a a distressing situation, I like to sing the song "Gentle Hands Holding onto Me." Just remember that you're in His gentle hands--just keep trusting Him. God will work this situation out!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Thank you, Thank you, everyone!!! Your thoughts, prayers, concerns are appreciated. Thank you for being friends I can count on. Love you all dearly!
ReplyDeleteSis Allard, I'm praying! God can do it again!
ReplyDeleteJennifer - thank you, dear.
ReplyDeleteJana, we are praying for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Steven. I appreciate you and Debbie.
ReplyDeleteSis. Allard,
ReplyDeleteI will be sure to pray for your miracle. I hope you are feeling better these days!