Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wanna Have Some Fun?

Click on this link and help Linda finish her story.


  1. Jana, THANK YOU! I'm really enjoying the "story" everyone is writing! LOL! It's a lot of fun seeing what people come up with. Love you!

  2. Linda - I love your post!!! It is such fun. Maybe we should start a "tag" for all of our blogger friends to start stories. :) Actually, I don't like doing the tag thing, but maybe some other bloggers will be inspired to create more stories.

  3. Jana, thank you for contributing to "the story". You have good writing style. I don't know how long it will go, but it's fun reading what everyone is writing! LOL! Who knows? We might write a good kids story!

  4. I don't like doing tag either, Jana. It seems like an imposition. But stories are different because participation is voluntary, and they don't ask you to tell details you'd rather not.

  5. Linda - I actually love to write but it has been so many years since I was actively writing that I have forgotten much of what I learned. LOL My college days were the late 70's and that was a LONG time ago. LOL

    Helen - I had thought it would be fun to tag someone and require them to begin a story, but I just can't bring myself to tag anyone because I don't like tags. You are right stories are different and not requiring disclosure of personal info, but I just can't ask it of anyone. Maybe some people will enjoy helping write the story on Linda's blog and will begin a fresh story on their blog.
